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Pregnancy is revered as a time to move more slowly, to stress less and enjoy more, to laugh and source joy.
I believe all of this.

After over a decade of midwifing, I also believe that pregnancy is a time to take stock, take inventory- to dig in. Pregnancy is a time to shore up, create more support, and develop everyday rituals that will sustain you. What do you need to do to slow down, drop in and connect with what is true and right in you? It is THIS voice, not the Pediatrician, not the Sleep Expert, not the Nutritionist, not the Midwife, that will guide you along your parenting journey.



What we do together:

line drawing of a tree stump with tree roots

Create A Foundation

Our model of relationship based care is built on trust, transparency and collaboration. Prenatal visits offer the space and time to get to know one another in a meaningful way.

line drawing of two hands cupping together

Build Your Team

Referrals for bodywork, acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic care, trauma resolution and mental health as needed. Some folks have big teams and some have small teams- it’s up to you.

line drawing of two icons on a map

Draw Your Map

Connect with how you feel and set an intention for how you want to feel by the time your baby arrives. We amplify what’s already working and support the nervous system to help get you there.

line drawing of an open book

Satisfy the Intellect

Learn however YOU learn best. Education via discussion, storytelling, anecdotes, videos, classes and/or evidence based articles. Resources are curated to streamline the process.

line drawing of an atomically correct heart

Nourish Your Body

Practical recommendations and support to optimize physical well being. Nutrition, hydration, rest/sleep and movement are all considered. Let’s take what you’re already doing and elevate it.

line drawing of a lit candle

Tend to Spirit

Simple practices to source joy and connect to yourself, your baby and your community. We focus on realistic anchors to create a bit of breathing room amidst the business of life.


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Home Birth Midwifery Services

    • Prenatal appointments take place every month until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until the birth.

    • Prenatal visits last 60 minutes with plenty of time for questions and discussion. Prenatal visits take place in a warm, office space.

    • An emphasis on well curated resources and education.

    • Education and integration of Spinning Babies balancing techniques.

    • On call 24/7 during due date window.

    • Attendance of the birth at home along with an assistant Midwife.

    • All postpartum visits take place in the comfort of your home with an emphasis on breastfeeding/ infant feeding support.

    • The cost of genetic screening, ultrasounds, and lab work are covered by private insurance or MediCal. Low cost options are available for clients paying out of pocket.

    Investment: $8,500.00
    *Sliding scale is available for families in need

    Ready to see if we are a good fit in working together?

    Schedule a 30min complimentary call.

close up of a candle sitting on top of tarot cards

Hybrid Midwifery Care

  • This is a beautiful option for families planning a hospital birth who still want the benefits of full scope, holistic Midwifery care.

    In this model, I provide the same level of care during pregnancy and postpartum as I would with my home birth clients. Families most commonly hire a Doula to attend the birth in the hospital.

    • Prenatal Care

    • Building a birth plan

    • How to expertly advocate for yourself (or for your loved one).

    • Anticipatory guidance and education about decisions that you’ll be making with your hospital team.

    • Postpartum Planning.

    • Postpartum care in the comfort of your home, with an emphasis on breast/chest feeding.

    Investment: $5,500
    *Sliding scale is available for families in need

    Schedule a complimentary 30min call to discuss how hybrid midwifery care could benefit you.

close up of a big crystal on top of tarot cards with dried flowers

Postpartum Care

  • Postpartum planning is some of the most important work we will do together!

    How well tended and cared for we are in the postpartum period is affects our ability to metabolize the birth experience.

    This plan includes 1 prenatal appointment to discuss your upcoming birth and outline an immediate postpartum plan to optimize breast/chest feeding and healing prior to being discharged from the hospital.

    In addition, we have 5 in home postpartum visits (for both the postpartum parent and the baby).

    This option also gives you the benefit of built in support between visits via email, text and phone support.

    Investment: $2,800
    *Sliding scale is available for families in need

    Schedule a 30min complimentary call.

front of a bodycast of a pregnant belly hand painted with a purple baby on the belly

“Throughout that sacred life chapter of welcoming our second child Earth-side, Alana's presence formed a bedrock of positivity, strength, joy, and love that I believe fostered our family's dream birth. If you have the chance to bring Alana onto your team of birthing professionals, do so now. The woman is pure gold.”

— Marny Culpepper, L.Ac


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Birthing people have the right to culturally congruent care by Midwives who reflect their race, ethnicity and gender identity. A portion of all funds go to the following organizations: